Worlds Largest Conference

for Black Trans


Be a Presenter at the

BTAC25 Black Trans Advocacy Conference

This initiative is made possible thanks to the generous support of our donors and sponsors who contribute to our conference fundraisers. Together, we are building a stronger and more inclusive community.

The 12th Annual National Black Trans Advocacy Conference serves as a dynamic and engaging platform for educators, advocates, and professionals from all backgrounds and experience levels to share innovative ideas and effective strategies that promote Black trans equality.

This year, we invite you to contribute to this transformative event by submitting proposals for workshops that address the critical disparities faced by trans people in areas such as health, housing, employment, and education.

Submit your workshop proposal today and be a part of this groundbreaking conference!

If you want to learn or impact our Black Trans Community, you need to be at events where we gather and talk about our issues.
Monica Roberts


Due to the limitations in space, proposals submitted prior to the deadline will be scheduled first. If you have missed the deadline, late proposals are accepted and will be considered as space is available.

The deadline to submit presentation proposals is February 1.

Submit Proposal


Submit Workshop Proposal

Proposal Approval Notice


Workshop Approval Notice

Presenter Meeting


Attend Presenter Informational on Zoom.

Finalize  Hotel/Registration Enrollment

Whova Enrollment


Add Presenter Information to Conference App

Notice of Presentation Time Slot

Schedule Published


Final Conference Scheduled Published



Present conference workshop

Participate in presenter networking.

Wrap Up


Receive presentation feedback survey

Prepare for BTAC2026!

Redefining Our Resilience
I Am UnErasable

Help us to achieve our mission and bring our conference theme to life with your workshop proposal.
We are looking for proposals to support the seven below workshop topics to help reach our goal.

  • Humanism & Empowerment

    Exploring Identity & Empowerment: human, spiritual, race & cultural, gender, and sexual identity development for families

  • Health & Fitness

    Health & Fitness: Physical and mental health service access, education and public policy activism. Physical Fitness & Nutrition.

  • Housing & Home Ownership

    Housing & Homeownership: First time Homebuying, emergency, transitional, supportive housing service access, education, and public policy activism.

  • Employment & Career Growth

    Employment & Career Growth: Job readiness, access, education, and public policy activism.

  • Advocacy & Activism

    Advocacy & Activism: Community education, community organizing, community service, humanitarian support, philanthropy, fundraising, and coalition-building topics

  • Anti Violence Activism

    Anti Violence Activism: Hate crimes, sexual assault, criminal justice education and public policy activism

  • Professional Development

    Professional Development: DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Training for health, housing, and employment professionals




Presenter Fees & Accommodations

Honorarium/Presenter Fees:  Presenters provide free workshops to the public. Honorarium/Presenter Fees are not compensated.

Travel Accommodations:  Presenters are responsible for their own, lodging and travel arrangements. 

Conference Registration: Approved workshops are provided with Complimentary Presenter Conference Registration (2 max). Each presenter must be registered online on or before the March 1 deadline.

Conference Audience

We are preparing to provide education and empowerment opportunities for 500 trans and gender nonconforming individuals as well as family, friends, and allies.

Target Audience: Trans*, Transmen, Transwomen, Spouses/Partners, Seniors 55+.

Conference Course Offering

Enrollment & Engagement: Approved workshops will be added online allowing up to 50 attendees to register for your course and the ability to connect with the instructor both before and after the course has ended.

Session Format: Approved workshops will be offered in 45-minute increments of course education

Evaluation Survey: Attendees should be provided time to complete a workshop evaluation at the end of each session. Presenters will be provided the evaluations electronically after the conference.

General Workshop sessions are offered primarily Wednesday & Thursday 9AM -4PM

Presentation Audio & Visual

A/V projector, sound and screens will be provided as needed.  Please indicate your need on the workshop proposal.